搜尋:苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter ,全館搜尋共計439筆,頁數1/10
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  • 苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(13)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2023/12/12 出版

    §小花美穗最不可思議的深情作品!! §珠里預知吏己將死!? 主題樂園發生挾持人質的恐怖攻擊事件, 配合恐怖組織的要求, 珠里和吏己以自身作為人質交換被挾持的一般民眾。 恐怖組織的首腦.紫洞宣告要處決吏己, 珠里為了阻止這件事情發生,不惜採取危險的行動──  

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(13)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(13)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2023/12/12 出版

    §小花美穗最不可思議的深情作品!! §珠里預知吏己將死!? 主題樂園發生挾持人質的恐怖攻擊事件, 配合恐怖組織的要求, 珠里和吏己以自身作為人質交換被挾持的一般民眾。 恐怖組織的首腦.紫洞宣告要處決吏己, 珠里為了阻止這件事情發生,不惜採取危險的行動──  

  • 苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(12)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2022/09/08 出版

    §小花美穗最新力作!!  §珠里預知吏己將死!?   珠里和吏己……在兩人進行愛的私奔的同時,主題樂園發生爆炸事件。 知曉這起事件的吏己下藥迷昏珠里後,隻身一人回到東京。 清醒後的珠里打電話給早穗,聽到的卻是自己被開除的宣言──!?  

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(12)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(12)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2022/09/08 出版

    §小花美穗最新力作!!  §珠里預知吏己將死!?   珠里和吏己……在兩人進行愛的私奔的同時,主題樂園發生爆炸事件。 知曉這起事件的吏己下藥迷昏珠里後,隻身一人回到東京。 清醒後的珠里打電話給早穗,聽到的卻是自己被開除的宣言──!?  

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(11)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(11)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2018/02/14 出版

    §小花美穗最新力作!! §珠里預知吏己將死!? 坦白說出無法完全拒絕吏己的事實, 認為自己已沒有交往資格的珠里向陽太提出分手。 事後,陽太去找吏己,並且為了珠里的事被吏己的挑釁激怒。 挨了陽太重重一拳而倒下的吏己會…?

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(03)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(03)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2017/12/18 出版

    被痛苦的戀愛記憶所束縛,珠里拒絕了陽太的感情。 外遇調查結束後,珠里雖然嘗試湊合與男友分手的小實和陽太兩人, 但自己內心裡卻起了莫名的波瀾…?

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(07)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(07)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2017/12/18 出版

    珠里下定決心勇敢去面對造成自己精神創傷的原因‧吏己。 雖然約好兩人單獨見面,在這之前先對吏己的過去進行調查, 結果竟查出意想不到的事實…?

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(10
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(10

    小花美穂  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2016/09/19 出版

    §小花美穗最新力作!! §珠里預知吏己將死!? 和陽太在一起時,珠里突然看到吏己被槍殺的預知畫面。 面對驚慌失措的珠里,陽太的反應是…? 另外,得知預知內容的Office‧S進入戒嚴狀態, 可是看到當事人吏己缺乏緊張感的模樣, 珠里難掩內心焦慮…?

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(09)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(09)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2015/05/25 出版

    §小花美穗最新力作!! §圭甫將對珠里和陽太出手!? 雖然圭甫對於超能力者 與平凡人之間的戀愛、結婚抱持著否定的態度, 但珠里和陽太即使懷抱著不安, 彼此的感情依然逐漸升溫。 另一方面,圭甫似乎對兩人的感情不懷好意…!?

  • 電子書
    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(08)
    電子書 漫畫

    【電子書】苦澀的甜蜜Honey Bitter(08)

    小花美穗  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2014/06/16 出版

    《孩子們的遊戲》小花美穗老師最新力作! 和陽太感情穩定發展的珠里, 有一天突然受到意想不到的人物求婚! 她和陽太的關係到底會產生什麼變化…? 除此之外, 珠里突然感應到重大事件的預兆!?

  • 中文書 漫畫 /BL /耽美 /韓國

    野獸都該死番外集-Sweet Bitter

    ★★★★☆ 目前有1人說過讚
    LEE Hyeon-sook  著 威向 出版 2024/02/06 出版

    「如果沒有李基林,沒有辦法克制殺人的欲求,會暴走嗎?可以肯定是的。」跟猛獸在一起的日子不會風平浪靜。成為法醫的姜無在多起殺人案件中周旋,無意間卻給李基林帶來危機,乍看從容不迫的他,內心卻不如想像中的平靜??「我??覺得能和你在一起的時間會比想像中結束得早,我非常害怕??」《野獸都該死番外集 -Sweet Bitter》收錄馴獸師?李基林與猛獸?姜無的酸酸甜甜日常。

  • The Bitter End and Other Stories

    Reed,Crandall  著 Fantagraph 出版 2023/12/12 出版

    Reed Crandall was an undisputed master of fine line detail and expertly nuanced pen-and-ink texture. He was a perfect fit for EC Comics, and he brilliantly illuminated sharp scripts featuring schemes, tricks, betrayal, and retribution in the company's crime, horror, and science fiction titles. This volume features 22 Crandall favorites from the pages of Tales From the Crypt, Vault of Horror, Haunt of Fear, Crime SuspenStories, Shock SuspenStories, Weird Science-Fantasy, Extra, and Impact, including: "Dog Food," one of EC's best revenge stories, featuring a sadistic prison camp warden who abuses his dogs to keep them mean -- to terrorize his prisoners. And no, it's not the twist ending you might expect -- which is why it was voted by fans as one of the top three EC horror stories. "The Shadow Knows" in which a man who murders his wife is pursued by her shadow everywhere he turns. "The Bitter End" in which a wealthy businessman tries to force his only son into becoming the hard-driving executive he needs to take over the family business. "Close Shave," a science fiction parable about love overcoming racial prejudice and division. "Swamped," voted by fans as one of the top three best illustrated EC horror stories of all time, is the grisly tale of a demented ghoul living in the Okefenokee Swamp. Plus: eight crime and horror stories by fellow EC artist George Roussos and an introduction by Jon Gothold.

  • The Bitter Crown

    Justin Lee,Anderson  著 Orbit 出版 2023/11/19 出版

    A war once held in the shadows now escalates into full-scale revolution in the second novel of Justin Lee Anderson's epic Eidyn Saga. The fog of war is lifted and the conspiracy at the heart of Eidyn finally exposed. Now that they know the truth, Aranok and his allies must find a way to free a country that doesn't know it's held captive. But with divided loyalties and his closest friendship shaken, can their alliance hold against overwhelming odds? The quest to retake the country begins here. "An eclectic cast of characters traverse a war-ravaged kingdom as Anderson's cleverly constructed plot winds its way towards a truly unexpected denouement. Rich in action and intrigue, this fantasy adventure with a Scottish flavor is sure to please fans of David Gemmell." - Anthony Ryan, New York Times bestselling author​ For more from Justin Lee Anderson, check out: The Lost War

  • 中文書 漫畫 /BL /耽美 /日本

    bitter drops 苦澀的糖果(全)

    四宮和  著 東立 出版 2023/09/13 出版


  • The Summer of Bitter and Sweet

    Jen,Ferguson  著 Ingram 出版 2023/08/14 出版

    In this complex and emotionally resonant novel about a M矇tis girl living on the Canadian prairies, debut author Jen Ferguson serves up a powerful story about rage, secrets, and all the spectrums that make up a person--and the sweetness that can still live alongside the bitterest truth. A William C. Morris Award Honor Book and a Stonewall Award Honor Book!Lou has enough confusion in front of her this summer. She'll be working in her family's ice-cream shack with her newly ex-boyfriend--whose kisses never made her feel desire, only discomfort--and her former best friend, King, who is back in their Canadian prairie town after disappearing three years ago without a word.But when she gets a letter from her biological father--a man she hoped would stay behind bars for the rest of his life--Lou immediately knows that she cannot meet him, no matter how much he insists.While King's friendship makes Lou feel safer and warmer than she would have thought possible, when her family's business comes under threat, she soon realizes that she can't ignore her father forever.The Heartdrum imprint centers a wide range of intertribal voices, visions, and stories while welcoming all young readers, with an emphasis on the present and future of Indian Country and on the strength of young Native heroes. In partnership with We Need Diverse Books.

  • The Bitter Past

    Bruce,Borgos  著 Minotaur 出版 2023/06/30 出版

    In the tradition of Craig Johnson and C. J. Box, Bruce Borgos's The Bitter Past begins a compelling series set in the high desert of Nevada featuring Sheriff Porter Beck... Porter Beck is the sheriff in the high desert of Nevada, north of Las Vegas. Born and raised there, he left to join the Army, where he worked in Intelligence, deep in the shadows in far off places. Now he's back home, doing the same lawman's job his father once did, before his father started to develop dementia. All is relatively quiet in this corner of the world, until an old, retired FBI agent is found killed. He was brutally tortured before he was killed and clues at the scene point to a mystery dating back to the early days of the nuclear age. If that wasn't strange enough, a current FBI agent shows up to help Beck's investigation. In a case that unfolds in the past (the 1950s) and the present, it seems that a Russian spy infiltrated the nuclear testing site and now someone is looking for that long-ago, all-but forgotten person, who holds the key to what happened then and to the deadly goings on now.

  • Bitter

    Akwaeke,Emezi  著 Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young 出版 2023/06/27 出版

    From National Book Award finalist Akwaeke Emezi comes a companion novel to PET that explores both the importance and cost of social revolution--and how youth lead the way. Bitter is an aspiring artist who has been invited to cultivate her talents at a special school in the town of Lucille. Surrounded by other creative teens, she can focus on her painting--though she hides a secret from everyone around her. Meanwhile, the streets of Lucille are filled with social unrest. This is Lucille before the Revolution. A place of darkness and injustice. A place where a few ruling elites control the fates of the many. The young people of Lucille know they deserve better--they aren't willing to settle for this world that the adults say is "just the way things are." They are protesting, leading a much-needed push for social change. But Bitter isn't sure where she belongs--in the art studio or in the streets. And if she does find a way to help the Revolution while being true to who she is, she must also ask: what are the costs? Acclaimed novelist Akwaeke Emezi looks at the power of youth, protest, and art in this timely and provocative novel, a companion to National Book Award Finalist Pet. Praise for PET: "The word hype was invented to describe books like this." --Refinery29NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST"[A] beautiful, genre-expanding debut. . . . Pet is a nesting doll of creative possibilities." --The New York Times"Like [Madeleine] L'Engle, Akwaeke Emezi asks questions of good and evil and agency, all wrapped up in the terrifying and glorious spectacle of fantastical theology." --NPR

  • Sweet & Bitter Rivals

    Jessica,Burkhart  著 Aladdin 出版 2023/05/21 出版

    From the author of the Canterwood Crest series comes the first book in a middle grade series about an equestrian boarding school following a girl who struggles to keep her eyes on the prize while receiving anonymous threats. Abby St. Clair can't wait to start another season with her elite riding team at her boarding school. She has something to prove after literally falling on her face during the biggest competition of the year the previous season. And she could really use a win after her mom left her family, her dad remarried, and Abby's new stepsister, Emery, proved to be a strong rider and stiff competition. Abby wants to return to some semblance of normal but is hiding a secret: she accidentally cost her biggest rival, Selly, a chance at team captain. Then Abby begins to receive anonymous messages, threatening to expose her unwitting sabotage and a video that makes it look like she's trash-talking Emery. With an important competition on the horizon and the knowledge that someone in her circle knows way too much about her, the pressure is on. Abby tries to put on blinders and have the perfect meet with her horse, Beau, but she's about to find out the hard way that secrets don't make friends at Saddlehill Academy.

  • Bitter Crop

    Paul,Alexander  著 Knopf Publis 出版 2023/05/14 出版

    A revelatory look at the tumultuous life of a jazz legend and American cultural icon "A book written as only one artist could view another, with insight and sincere compassion." --Sandra Cisneros, best-selling author of Woman Without Shame In the first biography of Billie Holiday in more than two decades, Paul Alexander--author of heralded lives of Sylvia Plath and J. D. Salinger--gives us an unconventional portrait of arguably America's most eminent jazz singer. He shrewdly focuses on the last year of her life--with relevant flashbacks to provide context--to evoke and examine the persistent magnificence of Holiday's artistry when it was supposed to have declined, in the wake of her drug abuse, relationships with violent men, and run-ins with the law. During her lifetime and after her death, Billie Holiday was often depicted as a down-on-her-luck junkie severely lacking in self-esteem. Relying on interviews with people who knew her, and new material unearthed in private collections and institutional archives, Bitter Crop--a reference to the last two words of Strange Fruit, her moving song about lynching--limns Holiday as a powerful, ambitious woman who overcame her flaws to triumph as a vital figure of American popular music.

  • Bitter Water Opera

    Nicolette,Polek  著 Ingram 出版 2023/04/09 出版

    An electrifying debut novel about art, solitude, family, and faith in a world without it In 1967, the dancer Marta Becket and her husband were traveling through Death Valley Junction when they came across an abandoned theater. Marta decided it was hers. She painted her ideal audience on its walls and danced her own dances until her death five decades later. In the present day, Gia has ended a relationship and taken a leave from her job in film studies at a university. She is sleeping fifteen hours a night and ignoring calls from her mother. In a library archive, she comes across a photo of Marta Becket and decides to write her a letter. Soon Marta magically appears in her home. Gia hopes Marta Becket will guide her out of her despair. But is Marta--the example of her single-minded, solitary life--enough? Through precise, vivid vignettes, Bitter Water Opera follows Gia as she resists the urge to escape into herself and struggles to form a lasting connection to the world. Her search has her reckoning with a set of terrifying charcoal drawings on her garage walls, a corpse in the middle of a pond, a crooked pear sapling, and other mysterious entities before bringing her to Marta's theater, the Amargosa Opera House. There in the desert, Gia finds one answer. In this brief, astonishing novel, Nicolette Polek describes an individual awakening to faith while exploring our deepest existential questions. How do we look beyond ourselves? Where do words go? What is art for?

  • Any Bitter Thing

    Monica,Wood  著 Ingram 出版 2023/03/28 出版

    A gripping and compassionate tale of family and faith, whispers and accusations, and the deeply hidden truths we're compelled to uncover. After surviving a near-fatal accident, thirty-year-old Lizzy Mitchell faces a long road to recovery. She remembers little about the days she spent in and out of consciousness, save for one thing: She saw her beloved deceased uncle, Father Mike, the man who raised her in the rectory of his Maine church until she was nine and he was accused of improprieties, dismissed from his church, and Lizzy was sent away to boarding school. Was Father Mike an angel, a messenger from the beyond, or something more corporeal? Though her troubled marriage and her broken body need tending, Lizzy knows she must not only uncover the details of her accident, but also delve deep into events of twenty years earlier, when whispers and accusations forced a good man to give up the only family he had. With deft insight into the snares of the human heart, Monica Wood has written an intimate and emotionally expansive novel full of understanding and hope. Any Bitter Thing is part of Godine's Nonpareil series: celebrating the joy of discovery with books bound to be classics.

  • Bitter Medicine

    Mia,Tsai  著 Tachyon Pu 出版 2023/02/17 出版

    [STARRED REVIEW] "Sparks fly in Tsai's refreshing and enchanting paranormal debut.... With brilliantly developed, multifaceted characters; a clever magic system; and witty prose, the pages of this fantasy fly. This marks Tsai as a writer to watch."--Publishers Weekly "There are so many joys in this paranormal. The wealth of languages, mythologies, religions and magicks are a weight that balances the emotional tenderness."--New York Times Book Review In this inspired contemporary fantasy, a Chinese immortal and a French elf try to balance new romance, familial loyalty, and workplace demands. In her debut novel, Taiwanese American author Mia Tsai has created an unforgettable paranormal adventure that is full of humor, passion, and depth. As a descendant of the Chinese god of medicine, ignored middle child Elle Jiang was destined to be a doctor. Instead, she is underemployed as a mediocre magical calligrapher at the fairy temp agency. Nevertheless, she challenges herself by covertly outfitting Luc, her client and crush, with high-powered glyphs. Half-elf Luc, the agency's top security expert, has his own secret: he's responsible for a curse laid from an old assignment. To heal them, he'll need to perform his job duties with unrelenting excellence and earn time off from his tyrannical boss. When Elle saves Luc's life, they begin a dangerous collaboration, but their chemistry blooms. Happiness, for once, is an option for them both. But Elle is loyal to her family, and Luc is bound by his true name. To win freedom from duty, they must make unexpected sacrifices.

  • Bitter Harvest

    Ann,Rule  著 Gallery Books 出版 2023/02/08 出版

    True crime icon Ann Rule presents a "must-read" (People) New York Times bestseller--and inspiration behind the Lifetime movie A House on Fire--following a woman whose apparent perfect life hides a harrowing and deadly madness. Debora Green, a doctor and mother in a picturesque and exclusive Kansas town, seems to have the perfect life with her own medical practice, a handsome physician husband, and three lovely children. It seems like a horribly tragic accident when a raging fire destroys her home and takes two lives. But a trail of clues leads investigators to an unthinkable conclusion. In this "tour de force from America's best true crime writer" (Kirkus Reviews), Ann Rule reveals the disturbing secrets--including infidelity, suicide, revenge, and murder--hiding beneath a fa癟ade of paradise in the American heartland.

  • The Bitter Twins (the Winnowing Flame Trilogy 2)

    Jen,Williams  著 Headline 出版 2022/12/14 出版

    **Winner of the British Fantasy Award for Best Fantasy Novel** The electrifying second book in the award-winning Winnowing Flame trilogy - the sequel to The Ninth Rain. Epic fantasy for fans of Robin Hobb and Adrian Tchaikovsky.'An absolute joy to read... jam-packed with breath-taking inventiveness' James Oswald'Incredible heroines... incredible fantasy... Escapism at its finest' Stylist The Ninth Rain has fallen. The Jure'lia are awake. Nothing can be the same again. Tormalin the Oathless and the fell-witch Noon have their work cut out rallying the first war-beasts to be born in Ebora for three centuries. But these are not the great winged warriors of old. Hatched too soon and with no memory of their past incarnations, these onetime defenders of Sarn can barely stop bickering, let alone face an ancient enemy who grow stronger each day. The key to uniting them, according to the scholar Vintage, may lie in a part of Sarn no one really believes exists - a distant island, mysteriously connected to the fate of two legendary Eborans who disappeared long ago. But finding it will mean a perilous journey in a time of war, while new monsters lie in wait for those left behind. Join the heroes of THE NINTH RAIN as they battle a terrible evil, the likes of which Sarn has never known. What readers are saying about THE BITTER TWINS: 'The sequel to the brilliant Ninth Rain kicks it up a notch with more action, scarier monsters and a more expansive story' 'Be ready for some great reveals and twists that may break your heart, but that will overall leave you fist pumping the air' 'The world building continues to blow my mind

  • Bitter Heat

    Roger,Phelps  著 Trine Day 出版 2022/10/21 出版

    This book gives new perspective on just whom activists must target to slow global warming--that is, target those who are warming the globe deliberately and hugely, instead of just semi-accidentally and in small degree, like the rest of us. The book delineates how and where profits are being taken, by large corporate interests (in oil, crime, and real estate) through a deliberate acceleration of global warming by commercial actions of this group. Thus, the book gives evidence that the effective concert of Big Oil, Organized Crime, and Big Real Estate is liable legally for planet harm--the law says one is liable for a harm if in an action he either intended the harm or intentionally acted while knowing it would do harm. Beyond this, the book is educational in giving a revised history of important events of Western corporate exploitation of foreign natural resources--in the regions of central Africa and MesoAmerica--which events have been crucial to the acceleration of global warming.

  • Sweet & Bitter Rivals

    Jessica,Burkhart  著 Aladdin 出版 2022/10/09 出版

    From the author of the Canterwood Crest series comes the first book in a middle grade series about an equestrian boarding school following a girl who struggles to keep her eyes on the prize while receiving anonymous threats. Abby St. Clair can't wait to start another season with her elite riding team at her boarding school. She has something to prove after literally falling on her face during the biggest competition of the year the previous season. And she could really use a win after her mom left her family, her dad remarried, and Abby's new stepsister, Emery, proved to be a strong rider and stiff competition. Abby wants to return to some semblance of normal but is hiding a secret: she accidentally cost her biggest rival, Selly, a chance at team captain. Then Abby begins to receive anonymous messages, threatening to expose her unwitting sabotage and a video that makes it look like she's trash-talking Emery. With an important competition on the horizon and the knowledge that someone in her circle knows way too much about her, the pressure is on. Abby tries to put on blinders and have the perfect meet with her horse, Beau, but she's about to find out the hard way that secrets don't make friends at Saddlehill Academy.

  • Bitter Roots

    Ellen,Crosby  著 Severn House 出版 2022/10/07 出版

    The brutal murder of a beautiful vineyard expert and a devastating storm force Virginia winemaker Lucie Montgomery to confront painful changes on the eve of her wedding. In just over a week vineyard owner Lucie Montgomery and winemaker Quinn Santori will be married in a ceremony overlooking what should be acres of lush flowering grapevines. Instead they are confronted by an ugly swathe of slowly dying vines and a nursery owner who denies responsibility for selling the diseased plants. With neighboring vineyards facing the same problem, accusations fly and the ugly stand-off between supplier and growers looks set to escalate into open warfare. When Eve Kerr, a stunning blonde who works at the nursery, is found dead a few days later, everyone wonders if someone in the winemaking community went too far. What especially troubles Lucie is why Eve secretly arranged to meet Quinn on the day she was murdered - and whether Lucie's soon-to-be husband knows something he's not telling her. Then a catastrophic storm blows through, destroying everything in its path. With no power, no phones, and no wedding venue, Lucie needs to find out who killed Eve and what her death had to do with Quinn.

  • The Summer of Bitter and Sweet

    Jen,Ferguson  著 Heartdrum 出版 2022/09/07 出版

    In this complex and emotionally resonant novel about a M矇tis girl living on the Canadian prairies, debut author Jen Ferguson serves up a powerful story about rage, secrets, and all the spectrums that make up a person--and the sweetness that can still live alongside the bitterest truth. A William C. Morris Award Honor Book and a Stonewall Award Honor Book!Lou has enough confusion in front of her this summer. She'll be working in her family's ice-cream shack with her newly ex-boyfriend--whose kisses never made her feel desire, only discomfort--and her former best friend, King, who is back in their Canadian prairie town after disappearing three years ago without a word.But when she gets a letter from her biological father--a man she hoped would stay behind bars for the rest of his life--Lou immediately knows that she cannot meet him, no matter how much he insists.While King's friendship makes Lou feel safer and warmer than she would have thought possible, when her family's business comes under threat, she soon realizes that she can't ignore her father forever.The Heartdrum imprint centers a wide range of intertribal voices, visions, and stories while welcoming all young readers, with an emphasis on the present and future of Indian Country and on the strength of young Native heroes. In partnership with We Need Diverse Books.

  • The Bitter End

    John,Sides  著 Princeton University Press 出版 2022/08/19 出版

    What an intensely divisive election means for American politics The year 2020 was a tumultuous time in American politics. It brought a global pandemic, protests for racial justice, and a razor-thin presidential election outcome. It culminated in an attack on the U.S. Capitol that attempted to deny Joe Biden's victory. The Bitter End explores the long-term trends and short-term shocks that shaped this dramatic year and what these changes could mean for the future. John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, and Lynn Vavreck demonstrate that Trump's presidency intensified the partisan politics of the previous decades and the identity politics of the 2016 election. Presidential elections have become calcified, with less chance of big swings in either party's favor. Republicans remained loyal to Trump and kept the election close, despite Trump's many scandals, a recession, and the pandemic. But in a narrowly divided electorate even small changes can have big consequences. The pandemic was a case in point: when Trump pushed to reopen the country even as infections mounted, support for Biden increased. The authors explain that, paradoxically, even as Biden's win came at a time of heightened party loyalty, there remained room for shifts that shaped the election's outcome. Ultimately, the events of 2020 showed that instead of the country coming together to face national challenges--the pandemic, George Floyd's murder, and the Capitol riot--these challenges only reinforced divisions. Expertly chronicling the tensions of an election that came to an explosive finish, The Bitter End presents a detailed account of a year of crises and the dangerous direction in which the country is headed.

  • The Bitter Taste of Murder

    Camilla,Trinchieri  著 Soho Crime 出版 2022/06/28 出版

    The follow-up to Murder in Chianti finds ex-NYPD detective Nico Doyle recruited by Italian authorities to investigate the murder of a prominent wine critic. One year after moving to his late wife's Tuscan hometown of Gravigna, ex-NYPD detective Nico Doyle has fully settled into Italian country life, helping to serve and test recipes at his in-laws' restaurant. But the town is shaken by the arrival of wine critic Michele Mantelli in his flashy Jaguar. Mantelli holds his influential culinary magazine and blog over Gravigna's vintners and restaurateurs. Some of Gravigna's residents are impressed by his reputation, while others are enraged--especially Nico's landlord, whose vineyards Mantelli seems intent of ruining. Needless to say, Mantelli's lavish, larger-than-life, and often vindictive personality has made him many enemies, and when he is poisoned, the local maresciallo, Perillo, has a headache of a high-profile murder on his hands--and once again turns to Nico for help.

  • Better, Not Bitter

    Yusef,Salaam  著 Grand Central Publishing 出版 2022/05/16 出版

    Named a Best Book of 2021 by NPR This inspirational memoir serves as a call to action from prison reform activist Yusef Salaam, of the Exonerated Five, that will inspire us all to turn our stories into tools for change in the pursuit of racial justice. They didn't know who they had. So begins Yusef Salaam, telling his whole story for the first time: of resilience in the face of one of the gravest miscarriages of justice. Despite having confronted the racist heart of America, Yusef channeled his energy and pain into self-determination and positivity. During his seven years of wrongful incarceration as one of the Central Park Five, Yusef gained a spiritual perspective on life, realizing that we are all "born on purpose, with a purpose." Better, Not Bitter is the inspirational story of a young man growing up in central Harlem in the '80s, the failure of America's criminal justice system, of being vilified by a nation. But during his years of incarceration, Yusef discovered the power of art and faith, and of holding on to the person you know you are, which gave him the strength to survive, and helped him through reentry and exoneration. Yusef's journey inspires us to accept our own path, to discover our own sense of purpose. His intimate insights help unpack the racist design of systems built for profit and oppression of Black and Brown people. This motivational memoir urges us to channel fury into action, and to turn anger and trauma into a constructive force to enact change in one's own life and for a better future.

  • 英文書 文學 /類型文學 /詩歌

    The Bitter Seasons’ Whip: The Complete Poems of Lee Yuk Sa

    Lee,Yuk Sa  著 Ingram 出版 2022/05/03 出版

    Born Lee Wonrok, Lee Yuk Sa (1904-1944) took his pen name from his prison cell number 264.A first-generation modern Korean poet, he wrote vernacular free verse accessible to everyone, and his poems illustrate the resilience of the human spirit in the face of colonial oppression. A member of the resistance movement known as the Korean Liberation Army, Lee Yuk Sa is also one of the most revered poets of the Japanese colonial period. Throughout the pages of THE BITTER SEASONS' WHIP, a bilingual collection of Lee Yuk Sa's complete works, Sekyo Haines' exquisite English translations bring to us the late poet's inner voice as he lived during one of the most fraught periods in Korean history. Despite existing under oppressive forces and enduring many imprisonments, during the last of which he died, Lee Yuk Sa's poetry is not bleak. His verse is calm and reflective, offering undercurrents of hope. His persistent search for a life of tranquility transcends time and place, continues to speak to today's tumultuous world. Poetry. Translation.

  • Bitter Flowers: The Breathtaking Nordic Noir Thriller

    Gunnar,Staalesen  著 Ingram 出版 2022/04/23 出版

    Fresh from rehab, Norwegian PI Varg Veum faces his most complex investigation yet, when a man is found drowned, a young woman disappears, and the case of a missing child is revived. The classic Nordic Noir series continues... 'As searing and gripping as they come' --New York Times 'One of my very favourite Scandinavian authors' --Ian Rankin 'The Norwegian Chandler' --Jo Nesb繪 ***Now a major TV series starring Trond Espen Seim*** ________________________ PI Varg Veum has returned to duty following a stint in rehab, but his new composure and resolution are soon threatened when a challenging assignment arrives on his desk. A man is found dead in an elite swimming pool and a young woman has gone missing. Most chillingly, Varg Veum is asked to investigate the 'Camilla Case' an eight-year-old cold case involving the disappearance of a little girl, who was never found. As the threads of these apparently unrelated crimes come together, against the backdrop of a series of shocking environmental crimes, Varg Veum faces the most challenging, traumatic investigation of his career. ________________________ 'Every inch the equal of his Nordic confreres Henning Mankell and Jo Nesb繪' --Independent 'Staalesen continually reminds us he is one of the finest of Nordic novelists' --Financial Times 'There are only two other writers that I know of have achieved the depth of insight in detective writing that Staalesen has: Chandler, and Ross MacDonald ...' --Mystery Tribune 'Employs Chandleresque similes with a Nordic Noir twist ... simply superb' --Wall Street Journal 'Masterful pacing' --Publishers Weekly 'The Varg Veum series is more concerned with character and motivation than spectacle, and it's in the quieter scenes that the real drama lies' --Herald Scotland 'Unsettling, moving, sad, hopeful and hopeless ... it's rich and it's sharp and it's cynical and sentimental all at once' --NB Magazine 'A complex, layered plot in which human tragedy and mystery combine to play out beautifully in a classic Nordic noir with a touch of Christie' --Live & Deadly

  • Sweet & Bitter Magic

    Adrienne,Tooley  著 Margaret K. McElderry Books 出版 2022/04/13 出版

    In this charming debut fantasy perfect for fans of Sorcery of Thorns and Girls of Paper and Fire, a witch cursed to never love meets a girl hiding her own dangerous magic, and the two strike a dangerous bargain to save their queendom. Tamsin is the most powerful witch of her generation. But after committing the worst magical sin, she's exiled by the ruling Coven and cursed with the inability to love. The only way she can get those feelings back--even for just a little while--is to steal love from others. Wren is a source--a rare kind of person who is made of magic, despite being unable to use it herself. Sources are required to train with the Coven as soon as they discover their abilities, but Wren--the only caretaker to her ailing father--has spent her life hiding her secret. When a magical plague ravages the queendom, Wren's father falls victim. To save him, Wren proposes a bargain: if Tamsin will help her catch the dark witch responsible for creating the plague, then Wren will give Tamsin her love for her father. Of course, love bargains are a tricky thing, and these two have a long, perilous journey ahead of them--that is, if they don't kill each other first.

  • Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet

    Laekan Zea,Kemp  著 Little, Brown Books for Young Re 出版 2022/03/07 出版

    I'm Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter meets Emergency Contact in this stunning story of first love, familial expectations, the power of food, and finding where you belong. Penelope Prado has always dreamed of opening her own pasteler穩a next to her father's restaurant, Nacho's Tacos. But her mom and dad have different plans--leaving Pen to choose between disappointing her traditional Mexican American parents or following her own path. When she confesses a secret she's been keeping, her world is sent into a tailspin. But then she meets a cute new hire at Nacho's who sees through her hard exterior and asks the questions she's been too afraid to ask herself. Xander Amaro has been searching for home since he was a little boy. For him, a job at Nacho's is an opportunity for just that--a chance at a normal life, to settle in at his abuelo's, and to find the father who left him behind. But when both the restaurant and Xander's immigrant status are threatened, he will do whatever it takes to protect his newfound family and himself. Together, Pen and Xander must navigate first love and discovering where they belong in order to save the place they all call home. This stunning and poignant novel from debut author Laekan Zea Kemp explores identity, found families and the power of food, all nestled within a courageous and intensely loyal Chicanx community.

  • Bitter

    Akwaeke,Emezi  著 Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young 出版 2022/02/03 出版

    From National Book Award finalist Akwaeke Emezi comes a companion novel to the critically acclaimed PET that explores both the importance and cost of social revolution--and how youth lead the way. After a childhood in foster care, Bitter is thrilled to have been chosen to attend Eucalyptus, a special school where she can focus on her painting surrounded by other creative teens. But outside this haven, the streets are filled with protests against the deep injustices that grip the city of Lucille. Bitter's instinct is to stay safe within the walls of Eucalyptus . . . but her friends aren't willing to settle for a world that's so far away from what they deserve. Pulled between old friendships, her artistic passion, and a new romance, Bitter isn't sure where she belongs--in the studio or in the streets. And if she does find a way to help the revolution while being true to who she is, she must also ask: at what cost? This timely and riveting novel--a companion to the National Book Award finalist Pet--explores the power of youth, protest, and art.

  • Bitter Roots

    Ellen,Crosby  著 Severn House Publishers 出版 2022/02/02 出版

    The brutal murder of a beautiful vineyard expert and a devastating storm force Virginia winemaker Lucie Montgomery to confront painful changes on the eve of her wedding. In just over a week vineyard owner Lucie Montgomery and winemaker Quinn Santori will be married in a ceremony overlooking what should be acres of lush flowering grapevines. Instead they are confronted by an ugly swathe of slowly dying vines and a nursery owner who denies responsibility for selling the diseased plants. With neighboring vineyards facing the same problem, accusations fly and the ugly stand-off between supplier and growers looks set to escalate into open warfare. When Eve Kerr, a stunning blonde who works at the nursery, is found dead a few days later, everyone wonders if someone in the winemaking community went too far. What especially troubles Lucie is why Eve secretly arranged to meet Quinn on the day she was murdered - and whether Lucie's soon-to-be husband knows something he's not telling her. Then a catastrophic storm blows through, destroying everything in its path. With no power, no phones, and no wedding venue, Lucie needs to find out who killed Eve and what her death had to do with Quinn.

  • Bitter and Sweet

    Tsh,Oxenreider  著 Harvest House Publishers 出版 2022/01/06 出版

    Celebrate A Season of Renewal and Reflection The theme of bitterness runs through the Bible as a sour reminder of sin's presence in our world--yet it's because of this bitterness that Jesus' grace is so sweet and satisfying. As we learn to turn from our vices and crave real beauty, goodness, and truth through the pursuit of virtues, we grow nearer to God and become more like who He made us to be. From Tsh Oxenreider, bestselling author of Shadow and Light: A Journey into Advent, arrives a devotional to help you meditate and rejoice in the transcendent miracle of Easter. You will... uncover what it means to participate in the liturgical traditions of Lent, from fasting to almsgivingexperience artwork and music that illuminate the impact--both personal and global--of Jesus's death and resurrectioncontemplate the wonder of Christ's redemption of all humankind, especially as this time of introspection reveals your human limitations Starting on Ash Wednesday and leading you all the way through Holy Week, Bitter and Sweet is an invitation to better understand Jesus's sacrifice as you delight in His ultimate love for you.

  • Bitter Peleliu

    Joseph,Wheelan  著 Osprey Publishing (UK) 出版 2021/12/12 出版

    The hard-hitting history of the Pacific War's 'forgotten battle' of Peleliu - a story of intelligence failings and impossible bravery. In late 1944, as a precursor to the invasion of the Philippines, U.S. military analysts decided to seize the small island of Peleliu to ensure that the Japanese airfield there could not threaten the invasion forces. This important new book explores the dramatic story of this 'forgotten' battle and the campaign's strategic failings. Bitter Peleliu reveals how U.S. intelligence officers failed to detect the complex network of caves, tunnels, and pillboxes hidden inside the island's coral ridges. More importantly, they did not discern - nor could they before it happened - that the defense of Peleliu would represent a tectonic shift in Japanese strategy. No more contested enemy landings at the water's edge, no more wild banzai attacks. Now, invaders would be raked on the beaches by mortar and artillery fire. Then, as the enemy penetrated deeper into the Japanese defensive systems, he would find himself on ground carefully prepared for the purpose of killing as many Americans as possible. For the battle-hardened 1st Marine Division Peleliu was a hornets' nest like no other. Yet thanks to pre-invasion over-confidence on the part of commanders, 30 of the 36 news correspondents accredited for the campaign had left prior to D-Day. Bitter Peleliu reveals the full horror of this 74-day battle, a battle that thanks to the reduced media presence has never garnered the type of attention it deserves. Pacific War historian Joseph Wheelan dissects the American intelligence and strategic failings, analyses the shift in Japanese tactics, and recreates the Marines' horrific experiences on the worst of the Pacific battlegrounds. This book is a brilliant, compelling read on a forgotten battle.

  • Avalon~bitter~:渴望著幸福的百合漫畫精選集


    ★ 漫畫也能有收藏品般的質感! ★ 書衣、書腰採用「150磅頂級雪銅紙」於高端五色印刷機印製,CMYK四色+特金色,金屬般的金光質感,色彩絢麗! ★ 封面採用「250磅頂級銅西紙」於高端五色印刷機印製,並上水消光特殊處理,質感滿分! ★ 最新一代PUR裝訂技術,美觀堅固又耐久,盡情翻閱不用怕會掉頁喔! ★ 內頁採用「120磅永豐頂級白道林紙」印製,翻閱手感厚實且滑順舒適,紙張質地出眾! ★ 連擬聲詞都完整用心翻譯,讓讀者更能融入故事。 ★ 書衣下,還有封面插畫的短篇小說,千萬別錯過喔! 日本正式授權中文版! 百合專門品牌 girls × garden COMICS 「Avalon」系列 第一彈! 超越一般向與成人向漫畫的籓籬,充滿活力的新銳作家們齊聚一堂,全新繪製的百合漫畫短編集。 女性之間才能體現出的「幸福的關係性」,全部都在這一本裡──。 來吧!刻印上只屬於我們的—— 苦澀扭曲的戀愛(詛咒)。 並非一切全都會是Happy End。她們苦澀且無常的故事。 【超豪華作家陣容】 切符/tonito/?????/彩社長/???/消火器/須藤佑?/?島朝香/?村/日吉??/???氏/????  girls × garden更多酸甜苦辣的百合相關書籍,等您來細細品味。 ● 輕小說、畫冊、繪畫教學、漫畫、女優寫真集、藝術設計等,優質好書都在「更生文化設計」。 ● 「書籍特典版」請到「官方賣場」購買。 ● FB、Instagram、Twitter、Youtube等各大網路社群請搜尋「更生文化設計」。

  • Better, Not Bitter

    Yusef,Salaam  著 Grand Central Publishing 出版 2021/05/04 出版

    Named a Best Book of 2021 by NPR This inspirational memoir serves as a call to action from prison reform activist Yusef Salaam, of the Exonerated Five, that will inspire us all to turn our stories into tools for change in the pursuit of racial justice. They didn't know who they had. So begins Yusef Salaam telling his story. No one's life is the sum of the worst things that happened to them, and during Yusef Salaam's seven years of wrongful incarceration as one of the Central Park Five, he grew from child to man, and gained a spiritual perspective on life. Yusef learned that we're all "born on purpose, with a purpose." Despite having confronted the racist heart of America while being "run over by the spiked wheels of injustice," Yusef channeled his energy and pain into something positive, not just for himself but for other marginalized people and communities. Better Not Bitter is the first time that one of the now Exonerated Five is telling his individual story, in his own words. Yusef writes his narrative: growing up Black in central Harlem in the '80s, being raised by a strong, fierce mother and grandmother, his years of incarceration, his reentry, and exoneration. Yusef connects these stories to lessons and principles he learned that gave him the power to survive through the worst of life's experiences. He inspires readers to accept their own path, to understand their own sense of purpose. With his intimate personal insights, Yusef unpacks the systems built and designed for profit and the oppression of Black and Brown people. He inspires readers to channel their fury into action, and through the spiritual, to turn that anger and trauma into a constructive force that lives alongside accountability and mobilizes change. This memoir is an inspiring story that grew out of one of the gravest miscarriages of justice, one that not only speaks to a moment in time or the rage-filled present, but reflects a 400-year history of a nation's inability to be held accountable for its sins. Yusef Salaam's message is vital for our times, a motivating resource for enacting change. Better, Not Bitter has the power to soothe, inspire and transform. It is a galvanizing call to action.

  • Sweet & Bitter Magic

    Adrienne,Tooley  著 Margaret K. McElderry Books 出版 2021/03/01 出版

    In this charming debut fantasy perfect for fans of Sorcery of Thorns and Girls of Paper and Fire, a witch cursed to never love meets a girl hiding her own dangerous magic, and the two strike a dangerous bargain to save their queendom. Tamsin is the most powerful witch of her generation. But after committing the worst magical sin, she's exiled by the ruling Coven and cursed with the inability to love. The only way she can get those feelings back--even for just a little while--is to steal love from others. Wren is a source--a rare kind of person who is made of magic, despite being unable to use it herself. Sources are required to train with the Coven as soon as they discover their abilities, but Wren--the only caretaker to her ailing father--has spent her life hiding her secret. When a magical plague ravages the queendom, Wren's father falls victim. To save him, Wren proposes a bargain: if Tamsin will help her catch the dark witch responsible for creating the plague, then Wren will give Tamsin her love for her father. Of course, love bargains are a tricky thing, and these two have a long, perilous journey ahead of them--that is, if they don't kill each other first.

  • Prevail Until the Bitter End

    Alexandra,Lohse  著 Cornell University Press 出版 2021/02/12 出版

    In Prevail until the Bitter End, Alexandra Lohse explores the gossip and innuendo, the dissonant reactions and perceptions of Germans to the violent dissolution of the Third Reich. Mobilized for total war, soldiers and citizens alike experienced an unprecedented convergence of military, economic, social, and political crises. But even in retreat, the militarized national community unleashed ferocious energies, staving off defeat for over two years and continuing a systematic murder campaign against European Jews and others. Was its faith in the F羹hrer never shaken by the prospect of ultimate defeat?Lohse uncovers how Germans experienced life and death, investigates how mounting emergency conditions affected their understanding of the nature and purpose of the conflagration, and shows how these factors influenced the people's relationship with the Nazi regime. She draws on Nazi morale and censorship reports, features citizens' private letters and diaries, and incorporates a large body of Allied intelligence, including several thousand transcripts of surreptitiously recorded conversations among German prisoners of war in Western Allied captivity. Lohse's historical reconstruction helps us understand how ordinary Germans interpreted their experiences as both the victims and perpetrators of extreme violence. We are immersively drawn into their desolate landscape: walking through bombed-out streets, scrounging for food, burning furniture, listening furtively to Allied broadcasts, unsure where the truth lies. Prevail until the Bitter End is about the stories that Germans told themselves to make sense of this world in crisis.

  • 中文書 漫畫 /BL /耽美 /日本

    Bitter Like Light -苦似微光-(全)

    ★★★★★ 目前有4人說過讚
    那梧なゆた  著 尖端漫畫 出版 2020/10/20 出版

    ♥大受好評的《愛似甜點》系列作 ♥充滿放閃日常的砂糖系BL   「沒辦法再交往下去了……」   甜蜜蜜的大學生活, 竟悄悄掀起一絲波瀾!?   個性開朗人人好的森崎與冷淡寡言的田口, 從高中開始就是好友兼戀人。 即便成為大學生之後,兩人也一起克服種種困難與誤解, 過著幸福美滿的日子。   就在大學生活將近過半時, 森崎和田口得知了朋友吉村與志摩決定同居的消息, 於是森崎開始思考自己與田口的「將來」……   在《愛似甜點》系列中登場的超人氣情侶重出江湖? 收錄田口與森崎高中時期的SEX, 以及吉村與志摩的泡澡SEX!  

  • Bitter Sweet Teens -酸甜苦辣思春期- 無修正

    犬上いの字  著 未來數位 出版 2020/09/04 出版


  • Bitter Root Volume 2: Rage & Redemption

    David F,Walker  著 Image Comics 出版 2020/09/01 出版

    Best New Series of 2019 - Entertainment Weekly Monster-hunting has been the Sangerye family business for generations as they battle the jinoo - hideous creatures born out of hate and racism. But now the Sangeryes face a different threat -- the deadly inzondo, a new kind of monster born out of grief and trauma. With one of their own turning into an inzondo and an army of tortured souls on the attack in 1920s Harlem, the Sangerye family must once again fight to save the world, unless their own pain and suffering transforms them into monsters as well! Collects BITTER ROOT Red Summer Special and issues 6 - 10

  • Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet

    Laekan Zea Kemp  著 Little 出版 2020/06/18 出版

    I'm Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter meets Emergency Contact in this stunning Pura Belpr矇 Honor Book about first love, familial expectations, the power of food, and finding where you belong. Penelope Prado has always dreamed of opening her own pasteler穩a next to her father's restaurant, Nacho's Tacos. But her mom and dad have different plans--leaving Pen to choose between not disappointing her traditional Mexican American parents or following her own path. When she confesses a secret she's been keeping, her world is sent into a tailspin. But then she meets a cute new hire at Nacho's who sees through her hard exterior and asks the questions she's been too afraid to ask herself. Xander Amaro has been searching for home since he was a little boy. For him, a job at Nacho's is an opportunity for just that--a chance at a normal life, to settle in at his abuelo's, and to find the father who left him behind. When both the restaurant and Xander's immigrant status are threatened, he will do whatever it takes to protect his newfound family, and himself. Together, Pen and Xander must navigate first love and discovering where they belong in order to save the place they all call home. This stunning and poignant novel from debut author Laekan Zea Kemp explores identity, found families, and the power of good food, all nestled within a courageous and intensely loyal Chicane community.

  • Bitter Honey

    Letitia,Clark  著 Hardie Grant 出版 2020/04/01 出版

    Guild of Food Writer's Awards, Highly Commended in 'First Book' category (2021) In Bitter Honey, seasoned chef Letitia Clark invites us into her home on one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean Sea - Sardinia. The recipes in this book do not take long to make, but you can taste the ethos behind every one of them - one which invites you to slow down, and nourish yourself with fresh food, friends and family. The importance of eating well is even more pronounced here on this forgotten island. Try your hand at Roasted eggplant with honey, mint, garlic and salted honey, or a salad of Pecorino with walnuts and honey, followed by Malloreddus (the shell-shaped pasta from the region) with sausage and tomato. Each recipe and the story behind it will transport you to the glittering, turquoise waters and laid-back lifestyle of this Italian paradise. With beautiful design, photography, full color illustrations and joyful anecdotes throughout, Bitter Honey is a holiday, a cookbook and a window onto a covetable lifestyle in the sun - all rolled into one.

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